Saturday, January 29, 2011


Pretending to be a princess. Pretending to be a king. Pretending I'm a cowboy and my siblings are the Indians. Pretending to play house. Pretending I'm competent. Pretending. Always pretending. Until the pretending becomes every day reality, because practice makes perfect. All the world's a stage, and we are but players, and "play"-ing begins to be natural.

What role am I playing today?
Which play has been called up?
Do I know my lines?
Is my costume ready?

Adorned with robes, equipped with script, the curtain rises and I step on stage. I am judged for how well I play the role. Whether or not I'm ready, the technician locates me in the follow spot, and all eyes trace my pathway from stage left to stage right.

Did I upstage the star?
Did I enunciate clearly?
Did I follow the director's direction?
Did I keep the producer in the money?

But I'm not me. That's a character. One of many.
Starring, supporting, ever changing.
Never me.

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