Saturday, January 15, 2011

Things That Delight Me

Hugs from my kids.
Phone calls from my love just to say hello.
The smell of salmon colour roses.
The wind in my hair.
Laughter with a friend.
Music that makes my spine tingle.
The sun on my face.
The silence after the last note of a piano piece.
Sand between my toes as I chase the ocean waves.
Warm bath after a long day or a good workout.
Hilariously farcical movies, but only after midnight.
Historical/Regency romance novels.
An email from a friend I haven’t communicated with in years.
Delight of my loved ones when they do something they are proud of, 
worked hard for, or simply enjoy.
The giggles of a toddler.
The design details of a structure.
Happy people.
Flying in a Cessna or other small aircraft.
Tumbling in the ocean waves.
Getting acquainted with people.
Eating Pavlova… or Baklava… or Crème Brûlée.
Fresh passionfruit.
The smell of crushed hibiscus leaves.
Indian war paint made from marigolds.
Running through the spinning barrel of the fun house at the fair.
Stupid jokes.
Art from the heart.
Silk on my skin.

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