Saturday, January 15, 2011


The wind reminds me of carefree days.
Days spent wandering through places both familiar and unknown.
Exploring the trails down to the hydro.

Getting angry at my sister because I had to let her go with us, but she always fell off the log across the stream or slipped on the rock paths across the river, bringing home her teary eyes and dripping clothes as evidence of trespassing in forbidden grounds.
Yet that's where I led the next time we ventured forth.
Trekking through the rainforest bamboo, crossing streams, exploring plants,

Capturing the wind in my eyes - my ears - my hair.
Flowing through my very being, extracting the cares and demands of life;
Filling my head and heart with dreams and visions.
Winding and entwining the spirit into the very essence of me.

The spirit of what or who or why was not questioned - it just infused me with life, elfin mischief, and took away the downs.

Leaving me to lead our weary, dripping wet, bug bitten bodies back to the home -
Away from the haven of possibilities and into the safety of talents and shoulds.

I wonder now, where has the wind gone?

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