Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Stop!" she says...

"Stop!" she says,
As the world keeps spinning by. Spinning around and dropping packets of my life.

"Stop!" she says.
I want to savor and appreciate the moments right now without thought of the past or future; to cherish this time we have together; to touch without touching, speak without words, to smile with our eyes, and share without consuming.

"Stop!" she says,
To let me decide which pleasures are worth the effort and sacrifice. Don't rush me into decisions that are permanent - yet hurried in making.

My life has value, if only to me, and I am choosing to treat it with care. Not kid gloves (because some risk adds value) but with care - an appreciation of what I enjoy, reducing that which depresses and pulls down.

Life - serenity often, joy often, tears sometimes, passion almost always, and love pulling it all together.

"Stop!" she says,
I need to tell you I love you.

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