Sunday, February 12, 2017

Music Speaks

This is a little something I wrote on the back of the program while waiting for the traffic to clear out after a Michael Feinstein concert in Dallas a few years ago. There is absolutely nothing that matches the sound waves you feel when experiencing live orchestra and live singing.


I had forgotten it - the timbre of the voice, when mixed with the sounds.
Mixing life's joys, sorrows, hopes, dreams, romance lost, dreams forgotten.
Live music.
The likes of which is never heard exactly the same again.
Words sponsoring threads of images in my mind;
Mixing my life, my dreams with the music.
Until together they go soaring into the skies above,
Melding and dancing with the stars,
Sparkling in their purity,
As hopes unleashed become realities,
Sorrows become cherished memories,
Reminding me of what once was.
Caressing my very soul.

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