Monday, March 23, 2020

Freedom's Value

Like most people, I have specific opinions about things –

  • Diversity – the ways in which we are different from each other – gives strength to our groups and communities.
  • Learning is valuable; a degree / diploma simply checks the box to provide varying levels of substantiation to education / learning.
  • Yes, the toilet paper should roll over the top of the roll unless your restroom is used by those who have loads of fun with long streams or soft piles of toilet paper.

IMHO, my opinions are important to me and the way I live my life and have little to no importance within the grandness of our universe. The chaos of recent days motivates me to share my opinion on some important issues; issues that affect each of us in varying ways and degrees

I’m a “Bill of Rights” kind of person. A long time ago (even before the Magna Carta was created in 1215), a series of basic human rights was established. The United States of America spells out these rights in the Bill of Rights, a grouping of amendments to the USA Constitution. The people who drafted each of the amendments that comprises the Bill of Rights were very familiar with a government (or group or person authorized by said government) enforcing a “regulation” in a manner completely out of line with the spirit of the regulation. So the people putting the Bill of Rights in writing carefully chose the words they put to paper. This essay focuses on one of the amendments in the Bill of Rights that has been on my mind in recent days.

1st Amendment – Most of us know this has something to do with the freedom to speak our mind (much like I am doing in this essay). But that is only a portion of the first amendment. The amendment, which I vaguely remember memorizing in high school, is as follows:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

Simple terms?

  • Congress has no power to dictate how a person / persons create, participate in, and dissolve religious organizations and practices.
  • Congress has no power to stop a person / persons, or people in media / press organizations from speaking freely (note that libel / slander typically is not covered by the 1st amendment).
  • Congress has no power to stop people from peacefully gathering.
  • Congress has no power to stop people from telling the government (or groups / individuals associated with government) something should be changed. Congress has no power to punish people when they do tell the government (or groups / individuals associated with government) something should be changed.

It is of note that the phrases “unless it makes sense”, “unless circumstances make it important”, “in case of dire situations” are not included in the words of this amendment. These freedoms are guaranteed always to each citizen of the USA while residing in the USA. 

I value my freedoms. I have family members and ancestors who have gone to the ends of the world to ensure that I have the freedoms guaranteed me by the USA Constitution, Bill of Rights, and other Amendments. And I’m not okay with any jurisdiction within the USA demanding that I give up even a tiny piece of the freedoms that people have died for, fought for, suffered for, and lobbied for. So the recent flood of governmental mandates restricting the right of people to peacefully assemble does not go over well with me.

One of my family members is a transplant recipient and is on immunosuppressant drugs as a normal way of life. Both my parents and my husband’s parents and many loved ones are older than 65 years old. I have close family and friends with asthma, some who are prone to bronchitis, and other loved ones with immune system issues. I understand the source of the recent mandates. 

But the viewpoint of the mandates is skewed. Rather than mobilizing those of us with minimal / normal health issues to do everything necessary to take care of the needs of those with compromised or at risk health, the mandates restrict freedoms. I want my government to be all about guaranteeing maximum freedom for all; those freedoms need to be kept in mind when deciding the level of protection to provide to or demand from constituents. 

Today I read an old blog post from a few years ago on a very different issue. Yet the point of what I wrote was that people were socially distancing from each other because of fear. If we avoid every situation with an element of fear, we'd be at home alone (or as close to alone as possible) all of the time....

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Dreams Revisited

*written Once Upon a Time, shared here as a reminder that dreams are to be pursued*
Dreams, like sands in the hourglass, change in level, intensity, and pass through our lives with the passing of time. My dreams have been through their own passageways, caverns, hiding places, hallways, hidden caches - sometimes are open for all to see; sometimes hidden from even me.
Dreams of an 8 year old who envisions eternal days passed in companionship along the banks of the hydro - hand in hand, soul to soul, laugh to laugh - exploring life in its abundance. Dreams ended all to quickly. And the next dream is not so full, nor so heartfelt.
Tentatively dreams again begin to appear, but are never pursued wholeheartedly for fear they too will be yanked away. And the hurt will just increase . Pieces of my heart will be painfully torn away, leaving exposed jagged raw bits of flesh, bleeding. And finally the numbness - Blessed Numbness! - takes over, and the pain stops.
But so do the dreams. Until one day I realize I have no dreams. Only numbness.
And the numbness hurts more than the raw pain of heartbreak ever could.
But I’ve forgotten how to dream.
And I don’t know if I even want to. Because dreams come with unbearable pain sometimes. And I don’t know if I can take it.
And somewhere in the quiet of my spirit, I feel a half-remembered dream. 
It’s only a spark. 
But I know it’s there. 
And that dream, fully realized, will bring me back to the dreams of my youth.
Back to where my heart sings, my soul dances, and my spirit walks again along the banks of the hydro.
And I will dream.
And love.
And be free once again to dream my dreams.

Music Speaks

This is a little something I wrote on the back of the program while waiting for the traffic to clear out after a Michael Feinstein concert in Dallas a few years ago. There is absolutely nothing that matches the sound waves you feel when experiencing live orchestra and live singing.


I had forgotten it - the timbre of the voice, when mixed with the sounds.
Mixing life's joys, sorrows, hopes, dreams, romance lost, dreams forgotten.
Live music.
The likes of which is never heard exactly the same again.
Words sponsoring threads of images in my mind;
Mixing my life, my dreams with the music.
Until together they go soaring into the skies above,
Melding and dancing with the stars,
Sparkling in their purity,
As hopes unleashed become realities,
Sorrows become cherished memories,
Reminding me of what once was.
Caressing my very soul.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"August: Osage County" at Cypress College

For the last several weeks I have been having fun (as Mattie Fae Aiken) working - and playing (too punny?) - with a stellar group of people at Cypress College (Cypress, California) to create an entertaining production of Tracy Letts' exceptional play "August: Osage County". The play is a dark comedy (I'd rate it PG-13 for language and subject matter) and the characters are so well written they remind me of people I actually know. If you're in the area, please come and watch this play about family, love, and relationships.

Tickets are $15. Senior citizens, students with ID and children under 12 (although I wouldn't recommend it for those under 12) get in for $12. Performances (especially the last weekend) typically sell out, so call the box office at 714.484.7200 to reserve your tickets. (Box office is open 5-7pm Monday to Thursday and 2 hours before each show.)

Performances run this weekend and next weekend November 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20. Friday and Saturday shows start at 8 pm; Sunday shows start at 4 pm.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Stop!" she says...

"Stop!" she says,
As the world keeps spinning by. Spinning around and dropping packets of my life.

"Stop!" she says.
I want to savor and appreciate the moments right now without thought of the past or future; to cherish this time we have together; to touch without touching, speak without words, to smile with our eyes, and share without consuming.

"Stop!" she says,
To let me decide which pleasures are worth the effort and sacrifice. Don't rush me into decisions that are permanent - yet hurried in making.

My life has value, if only to me, and I am choosing to treat it with care. Not kid gloves (because some risk adds value) but with care - an appreciation of what I enjoy, reducing that which depresses and pulls down.

Life - serenity often, joy often, tears sometimes, passion almost always, and love pulling it all together.

"Stop!" she says,
I need to tell you I love you.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Living Passionately

I recently adopted a new philosophy/mantra:

I will fully appreciate what I do have in my life;
I will add to my life that which is missing that will enrich my life. 

Like the experience of sand particles squishing between my toes,
The cold salty water splashing on my legs,
The sun's rays burnishing my body,

Laughter bubbling up from my joy,
The presence of a friend warming my very being.

I will actively seek what is missing in my life.
However, I will not take that which is not willingly given -
I will only accept that which is offered sincerely.

And I will do my best to
Each moment

Fully enjoying 
    each experience.

And then I came down with a horrendous cold/virus immediately after deciding to adopt this mantra. I have to tell you - I have not fully enjoyed the experience of having a nasty virus....

Saturday, July 9, 2011



It speaks to the soul.
No words necessary.
Emotions conveyed.
Transmitted note by note into my being.

Sometimes the notes compel me to stand and dance with victory.
At other times the music brings to heart the sorrows of life.
Sorrows experienced; sorrows imagined.

Music shuts down the rushing thoughts in my mind,
Freeing my mind to wander where it wills;
Where freedom lives.
Obligations banished.

Freeing my mind;
Freeing me.